Classroom Economy
3rd grade at Mayfield, students earn Mayfield Money in the classroom.
They can earn this money for making positive choices in the classroom and around school, helping in the classroom, keeping their
desks/lockers/book bins clean, etc. Each trimester, students participate
in Market Day, where they can buy and sell goods and services with
their classmates. Each student has the opportunity to sell
goods/services once, and purchase them twice. At the end of the school
year, students will participate in an auction to spend their Mayfield
Money that they have accumulated throughout the school year.
We will be collecting items for the auction. Any items you can donate at the end of the year(May)would be GREATLY appreciated.
Some suggestions: snacks, cans of pop, candy, small toys, books, stickers, games, hair accessories, pool toys, play-dough, kites, silly string, jewelry, bubbles, etc.