3rd Grade Math

3rd Grade Math 

  I am excited to share with you that our class will be piloting new mathematics materials that are designed to better address the new state-adopted Common Core State Standards. These materials will help students learn in ways that build understanding and develop skills as a result of meaningful and connected learning experiences. The programs include tasks and activities that focus on students exploring and making sense of concepts, developing and explaining their reasoning, and using multiple strategies to solve problems. We will be piloting two programs, "Investigations" and "Everyday Math." We will start the year with "Investigations" and then switch to "Everyday Math" in December.
I will be reporting regularly to you on your student’s progress, but some of the homework and assessments will look different from what you may be typically used to seeing. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the program. 
Thanks so much for all of your interest and support. 

3rd Grade Math Concepts
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division